Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 from the British Library, London
Part 1: Science & Society, 1660-1773
4065 Aa, Pierre van der 301.319
4066 6
4069 87
4066 Abdell, - 321
4064 Abeel, J 86
4066 Ackers, Thomas 248.249
4062 Acker, Francois van 134
4036 Adair, Patrick 103.284
4062 218.223.244
4066 250
4055 Adams, Alexander 264
4040 Adams, Archibald 295
4041 2
4042 32
4066 Adams, Archibald,
Surgeon Norwich 252
4062 Adams, John 237
4052 Adams, Thomas 113.189
4054 200
4057 246
4054 Adelkrantz, A Charlotta 271.272
4036 Aglionby, William 128.143
4039 411
4057 247.249
4037 Agricola, Georg Andreas 136
4054 Ahlers, Cyriacus 220
4050 Ainsworth, Robert 98
4038 Alberghetti, Sigismondo 27
4056 Albinus, Bernard Siegfried 292
4069 58
4065 Albin, Eleazar 15.75
4066 254
4039 Aldrich, Henry 399
4044 Allonville, Jacques Eugene 75
4054 Alston, Charles 92
4057 Alston, John 250
4066 122
4057 Alvardo, Felix Antonio de 252.253
4065 Alvarez, Gabriel 162
4066 Amelia, Princess,
daughter of George II 246
4055 Amelot, - 251
4053 Ames, Joseph 90.112.118
4055 101
4056 254
4057 221.247.359
4053 Amman, John 232
4055 155.315.339
4068 281
4069 40.48
4047 Amyott, John 296
4051 Anderson, A 310-314b
4065 Anderson, Anthony Tolhurst 313.314
4062 Anderson, C 152
4055 Andree, John 8
4056 156
4057 220.225
4046 Andrews, J 309
4052 50
4066 Andrew, John 116
4054 Andrew, Joshua 284
4050 Anglicanus Aulicus 76.102
4037 Anisson, Jean 342
4057 256-279b
4068 97
4069 88
4048 Annesley, Francis 74
4058 Anonymous 271
4044 Anstis, John 145
4046 66.207.209
4048 Antiquities 209
4065 138
4065 Antonio, - 56
4063 Antrobus, Robert 236
4064 Apples, Joannes Benjamin d’ 211.215
4065 Apsley, John 59
4055 Aragona, Niccolo Michele d’ 417
4069 1
4040 Arbuthnot, John 377
4041 171.189
4042 120.234
4043 72.76.187
4057 273-285
4057 Archer, Benjamin 286.288
4044 Archer, Thomas 80
4052 Armstrong, John 62
4047 Arnold, James 206
4052 281.294
4055 Arreton, Isle of White 103
4056 Arthur, Patrick 328
4053 Ashburnham, John 94
4055 Ashby, Waring 175
4037 Ashe, Ann
4066 255
4037 Ashe, Mary 117b.197.300
4043 Ashe, St George 129
4055 Ashworth, John 402.404
4056 58
4057 119
4052 Assas, Nicholas d’ 270.275.292
4066 89
4066 Assemanus, Stephanus Evodius 103
4045 Astell, M 336
4047 163
4056 Astruc, Jean 267
4069 23.57
4062 Atherton, H 251
4046 Atkinson, C 238
4057 Aubrey, John 292
4057 Aubrey, - 290
4066 Aufrere, - 257
4057 Auger, Isaac Elieser 293
4068 246
4045 Aumont, Louis d’ 74
4068 74
4069 89
4046 Austen, John 202.204
4065 Averani, Giuseppe 66
4057 Avodio, Joseph 294
4062 Awbrey, Thomas 237
4042 Aylmer, Whitgift 145
4068 Aymon, Jean 38
4062 Ayry, James 268
4066 289
4053 Ayyuh Ibn Sulaiman ibn Ibrahaim 341
4055 B, A 121
4041 B, Barbara 279
4068 Babb, - 112
4052 Babelin, - 54
4057 Bacon, Montague 295.297
4066 127
4066 Bacon, Nathaniel 248
4057 Baeck, Abraham 200
4039 Bagford, John 330
4040 347
4065 142.151
4039 Baglivus, Georgius 428
4056 Baillon, Chev. – de 320
4063 Baker, Robert 91
4062 Bale, John 246
4036 Ballard, Thomas 78
4063 Balle, Charles 92
4045 Balle, Robert 165.181.187
4046 100.146
4047 288
4059 248
4050 41
4068 138
4057 Banastre, J 301
4062 Banckes, Matthew 231
4066 260
4057 Banyer, Henry 303
4066 Baratier, Francois 112
4048 Barham, Henry - junior 156.299
4053 32
4043 Barham, Henry - senior 45.208
4045 110.204
4047 165.337
4048 15
4051 Barlow, John
4052 88
4053 256
4055 Barlow, W 131
4057 187
4041 Barnes, William 89.93
4065 Barometer 299b-302b
4049 Barrell, Revd Edmund 8
4053 72
4054 320
4038 Barrett, Dacres Leonard 261
4041 216
4043 267
4045 121.267
4050 Barrillot, - 158
4066 Barrow, I 262
4052 Barrow, Thomas 328
4065 Barrow, Thomas 43
4064 Barrow, Thomas -
Newgate Market 227
4049 Bartlet, J 142
4048 Bartlet, Nathanael 221
4058 Barton, C 304
4057 Bartram, John 56.157
4069 90
4052 Bartwell, Nathanael 5
4036 Barwick, Peter 57-61b.65-71b.74.85
4036 88.90-92b.95.97
4037 368
4066 255
4036 Basnage de Beauval, Henri
4037 56
4057 305-309b
4057 Bassand, - 321
4062 Bassett, Edward 188
4062 Bassett, John 188
4057 Baster, Job 212.242
4068 342.35
4052 Batatzes, Basil 233
4042 Bath 312
4068 Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfrid 198.287.323
4037 Baynard, Edward 97
4066 263
4050 Beard, Richard 23
4038 Beaumont, John 336.343
4046 234
4051 70
4069 94-103b
4068 Beaumont, - 3
4049 Beauvoir, Elizabeth 174.176b
4044 Beauvoir, William
4045 47
4045 Becket, William - MD of London 93
4062 Beddevole, Dominique 244
4055 Bedford, Arthur 192
4065 Bedford, Hilkiah 172
4064 Beeston, William - 83
4065 Belcher, Gilbert 288
4055 Belcher, John 21
4046 “Belinda” 173
4042 Bellers, Fettiplace 195
4047 Bellers, John 208
4051 Bell, George 5.143.268
4053 80.138.203
4063 Bel, Matej 351
4069 8
4064 Bennett, Mary 21
4064 Bennett, Revd William 6.12.18
4054 Bennett, Sampson 197
4037 Bennis, George 129
4065 Bentham, Joseph 86
4057 Bentinck, Margaret Cavendish 108.315-325b
4058 1-4b
4057 Bentinck, William 53
4058 5
4049 Bentin, H-de 10
4049 Bentley, Richard 179
4048 Benzelius, Erik - the Younger 33.69
4051 38.257
4053 373
4054 252
4055 322
4065 324
4068 167.273.309.353
4069 104
4039 Berard, L 15
4053 Berch, Carl Reinhold 306
4054 290
4068 266.310
4062 Berckel, Abraham van 162
4066 Bere, Charles 101
4045 Bere, George 5
4055 Bermingham, Michael 341
4036 Bernard, Charles 278
4058 7
4064 Bernard, Charles -
apprentice J Petiver 267.268
4036 Bernard, Francis
4037 10
4058 9
4058 Bernard, Isau 11
4053 Berrow, Henry 127
4058 Bertie, Anne 13
4058 Bertie, Peregrine 14
4052 Beswickle, John 290
4042 Beverlandus, Adrianus 168
4036 Beverley, T 310
4037 169
4058 Bickley, B 16
4040 Bidloo, Govard 139
4064 173
4069 106.107
4041 Bignon, Abbe Jean Paul 323.338
4042 58.71.183
4044 27.34.271
4045 1.176
4047 249
4048 118
4053 198.337.353
4055 184
4056 294.331.357
4057 19
4058 17-22b
4066 69
4068 288.333
4069 60.69.108-138b
4057 Bignon, Armand Jerome 170
4069 246
4054 Billerbeck, - 97
4065 Bincks, Samuel 100
4046 Bincks, Thomas 344
4062 Bird, John 176-179b
4065 Bishop, R 143
4044 Bishop, Thomas 165.280
4065 Bishop, William 21
4051 Bissett, Revd William 40.58
4058 Bisse, Philip 23
4046 Blackley, James 197.211
4046 Blackmore, Sir Richard 159
4055 Blackstone, John
4056 305
4040 Blair, Patrick
4040 270.308.310.359.362.374
4041 234.251.304.321.330.339
4043 223.250
4044 225
4045 207.211
4046 167
4049 92
4058 25-28
4065 235.238.251-253.265.273
4066 254.265-267b
4058 Bland, Michael 29
4058 Blane, Shwsana 32
4058 Blane, Alexander 31.32
4066 Bletso, John 268
4046 Blomberg, Charles de 334
4058 Blome al Bloome J 33
4050 Blondel, Jacobus Augustus 180
4048 Blower, Jane 297.301
4059 Blucke, Catharine 35
4053 Bluett, Thomas 105
4058 Blunt, John 36
4063 Bobart, Anne 86
4036 Bobart, Jacob
4038 93
4040 195.323
4041 123
4043 161
4044 227
4064 101
4067 28.108
4042 Boerhaave, Herman 42.116.160
4046 102
4048 162.319
4049 200
4051 234
4052 223
4054 278
4045 Boese, Dr John 20
4038 Bohun, Edmund 134
4066 Bois beleau de Lachapelle,
Armand 14
4036 Bois, Charles du 316
4039 220.21
4048 8
4053 186
4055 145.257
4056 62
4064 47.156
4065 100
4066 336.337
4058 Boles, Katharine 38-43
4055 Bon de St Hilaire,
Francois Xavier 386
4056 66.99
4068 59
4069 16.22.25
4055 Bond, William 279
4055 Bonet, Louis Frederic 414
4058 44
4069 3.19
4062 Bonnell, Toby 210
4037 Bonnet afterw, Bonnet Bourdelot,
Pierre 89
4038 277
4057 Bonnet, Charles 115.238
4036 Bonnivert, Lieut. Gedeon 264
4058 45
4068 14
4054 Bonsall, co. Derby 44
4043 Bostock, N 156
4038 Bottoni, Domenico 173
4063 92
4042 Bouchaute, L T van 212
4065 Boucher, George 40
4063 Bouet, George 109
4058 Boulton, Richard 47-49b
4068 Bourbon, Louis Henri de 225.235.328
4069 212.222
4051 Bourget, Louis 107-110.274.276
4052 151.225
4053 184.273
4054 46.273-277
4066 114
4068 277.282.312
4062 Bourne, - 136
4049 Bowles, Joseph 204
4055 Bowman, Walter 385
4048 Boylston, Z 238.241
4055 248
4156 Boyse, Samuel 51.141
4047 Braddon, Lawrence 296
4045 Bradley, Dr Richard 352
4046 251
4047 71
4048 211.319
4049 31.38
4058 50-56b
4065 Bradley, Dr Richard 146.156.201
4058 Bradley, Mary 49
4058 Bradley, R 57
4066 Bradley, Revd James 260
4053 Bradshaigh, Sir Roger 229
4058 Bramshaw, George 60
4036 Bragg, William 47
4058 Brandenburg,
Charles William Frederic 62
4068 Brassan, - 83
4066 Brassart, - 2
4051 Bray, Thomas 310-346b
4056 Bremond, Francois de 145.250
4069 32
4049 Brest, Vincent 212
4058 64
4056 Bret, - 360
4057 36
4050 Brewer, Samual
4052 125.158
4053 30.264
4066 322
4066 Brewer, Thomas 9
4065 Brewster, Christopher 50
4040 Brewster, John 378
4066 Brewster, Sir Francis 270
4039 Breynius, Dr Jacobus 282.369
4042 344-351b
4043 98.197.222
4044 171
4045 33.117.147
4046 1.110
4048 110.214.250
4049 130.252
4050 90.234
4053 84.321
4054 108
4066 271
4067 81
4068 321
4069 45
4057 Briasson, -
4069 75.76
4036 Bridges, John 369
4046 95
4054 Bridges, William – Secretary 60
4046 Bridges, William – Workman 362
4052 Brigstocke, O 52
4045 Brinck, William 345.351
4046 17
4048 206
4058 Britannicus 65
4058 Brocard, - 67
4056 Brocket, William 239.261
4052 Brodrick, Lady Alice 142
4052 Brodrick, Lady Alice 142
4066 Brodrick, Mary 295
4064 Bromelius, Magnus 198
4052 Bromsall, Thomas 117
4055 35
4036 Bromwich, Anthony 207
4064 Bromwich, Edmund 230.260
4065 139
4066 273
4036 Brooke, Chid 211
4058 Brooksby, Thomas Forbes 69
4053 Brounbell, John 23
4046 Brownbill, E 298
4055 Browne, Christopher 46
4066 Browne, Dame Dorothy 275.276
4066 Browne, Edward 275.276
4040 Browne, George 176
4058 Browne, J 72
4050 Browne, Joseph 136
4051 261
4040 Browne, Joseph – of Bow Street 353
4062 Browne, Samuel 288.291b.294.296b
4062 Browne, Sir Thomas 138.139.141-144b.146.149
4067 150
4053 Browne, Sir William 92.209
4057 78.92
4052 Brown, J 69
4058 Brown, Thomas 71
4045 Brown, William 183
4051 64
4039 Broxolme. Noel 405
4048 51
4058 74
4055 Bruckman, Dr Franz Ernst 346
4056 297
4069 9.62
4040 Brueun, G 93
4058 76
4058 Brunner, Joannes Conradus 78
4043 Brun, - 162.284
4068 90
4053 Bruzen, La Martiniere 191
4068 228
4046 Brydges, James 152.156.218
4051 7
4052 239
4053 316
4066 28
4049 Buckley, Samuel 94
4051 104
4068 139
4068 Buckley, - 21
4037 Buddle, Adam
4063 15.156
4066 277-279.281-285.287.286
4066 288.289
4057 Buddle, Elizabeth 49
4066 291
4037 Bulifon, Antoine 275
4065 Bulkley, Edward 71.94
4066 292
4039 Bullen, Thomas 358
4063 Buonamici, Giovanni Francesco 231
4064 27.49
4056 Burchett, Josiah 139
4063 Burdon, W 95
4037 Burghers, Michael 147
4041 Burnett, Revd William 60.155.182
4048 28.269
4058 84
4058 Burnet, Elizabeth 79
4044 Burnet, John 250
4045 304
4046 227.287
4048 26.70.120
4049 41.50.101
4050 21.54
4052 319
4053 363
4054 266.314
4056 18
4058 80.82
4065 248.285.287
4066 293.294
4050 Burton, William 285
4051 207
4052 96.197
4054 Burtsal, William 181
4045 Bury, Thomas 269.349
4058 86-91
4058 Busch, Lourens von dem 92
4057 Bussy, de 6.21.22
4058 94
4051 Butler, Edward 48.57.165
4056 93.149.194
4062 Butler, John 189
4058 Butler, Mary 95
4069 139
4062 Butler, - 240
4058 Byde, Katharine 98
4040 Byes, Col. William 150
4041 200
4042 144
4055 112.368
4057 20.105
4068 54
4058 Byrd, W 99
4062 Byrd, William MD 225
4050 C-, Mrs M 30
4054 C-, Nathanael 101
4045 Cade, Salisbury 296
4046 40
4058 101
4045 Cadogan, Charles 300.312
4066 28
4055 Cadogan, Elizabeth 410
4065 Camaron, - 32
4055 Cambis, Louis Dominique de
4058 103
4068 331.332
4062 Camellus, Georgeius Josephus 292.294-296b
4063 133
4044 Campbell, James 174
4046 312
4058 Campbell, Mary 103
4067 Canman, James 14
4058 Capel, Elizabeth 106.107
4056 Capel, William 166
4066 295
4047 Cappeler, Mauritius Antonius 352
4053 Carey, Peter 239
4054 117
4045 Carleton, Henry 254
4053 Carpenter, George 168
4046 Carteret, John 356
4056 Carter, William 245
4052 Carte, Thomas 288
4066 Cary, Madam - 286
4044 Cassini, Jacques 33
4053 125
4055 219
4050 Castel, Louis Bertrand 15
4051 15
4068 153b
4058 Castle, J 108
4045 Castle, John 102
4046 Catesby, Mark 352
4038 Catolica, Principe di 157
4055 Celsius, Anders 13
4068 311
4068 Cervi, Guiseppe 306.347
4036 Chamberlayne, Edward 132
4058 110
4038 Chamberlayne, John
4039 127.155.396
4042 87.252.329
4043 291.298.302
4046 74
4063 234
4065 128
4047 Chamberlen, Hugh 200
4038 Chamberlen, Paul 328
4051 Chamonel, - 226
4066 72
4058 Chamousset, - de 111
4053 Champion, Joseph 304
4053 Chandler, John 297
4057 Changuion, P 183
4045 Chaplin, Porter 111
4038 Chapman, Robert 21
4036 Charlett, Arthur 277.280.301.317.335.364
4038 166.319
4039 403
4042 312
4044 272.287
4046 29.36
4058 113
4064 131
4065 18
4053 Charlevoix,
Pierre Francois Xavier de 345
4054 262
4055 139
4058 114.116
4068 254.30
4058 Cheek, Mrs A 117
4045 Chemistry 190
4044 Chenaud, J 140
4058 Chenebie, Paul 119
4047 Cheselden, William 190
4049 195
4053 Cheshire, John 343
4054 78
4046 Chesshyre, Sir John 219
4050 Cheuessaille, - 104
4039 Cheyne, George 135.249
4045 329
4053 333
4038 Cheyne, W 23.42
4039 302
4062 Child, Emma 242
4040 Child, Sir Francis 21
4058 121
4067 Child, Sir Josiah 6
4058 Child, Thomas 123
4036 Chirac, Pierre 8
4043 178
4058 124
4068 1.5.85
4069 140.142
4058 Cholmondeley, George 125
4064 Christie, Alexander 179
4050 Christodulus 27
4067 Churchill, Awnsham 61
4043 Churchill, Charles 269
4045 Churchill, Sarah 150
4049 Churchill, William 195
4058 Cicognini, Giacomo 127
4057 Clare, Martin 142
4057 Clare, William 142b
4048 Clarke, J 98
4051 288
4055 120
4058 131-135
4058 Clarke, Samuel 137
4049 Clarke, William 185
4058 Clark, Charles 129.130
4066 296
4053 Clark, Samuel 82
4066 Clark, William 298
4050 Clayton, William 132
4045 Cliffe, Henry 196
4055 Clifford, Georgius 393
4054 Clifton, Francis 247
4036 Cockburn, William 159
4039 94
4047 202
4053 230
4058 138.139
4043 Cockleshell, Timothy 143-145
4064 Cockman, John 131
4058 Coffey, Charles 140
4058 Colbatch, John 141
4064 Coleby, Dixon 186
4055 Cole, Lawrence 123
4036 Cole, Nathanael 191
4062 258
4046 Cole, Samuel 124
4062 Cole, William 249
4058 Collas, John 143
4053 Collinson, Peter 234
4054 62
4055 98.259
4057 173
4058 145-172b
4069 48b
4062 Collins, Richard 174
4043 Compton, Henry 148
4058 173
4066 299
4044 Conduitt, John 183.268-270
4047 230
4058 175
4052 Confluentinus, F. Hierotheus 214.310
4038 Connell, Henry 74
4036 Connor, Bernard 213
4037 Connor, Bernard 109
4038 Constable, John 51
4040 24
4054 Cooke, Benjamin 201
4055 98
4046 Cooke, George 179
4050 Cooke, Thomas 265
4051 49.111.215
4053 79.83.351.352.367
4054 34
4055 29
4057 210
4051 Cook, John 31.76.95
4052 218
4068 Cook, - Lady 34
4047 Cooper, Thomas 228
4058 Coote, Henry 177
4058 Coote, - 176
4058 Copley, Gertrude 181.183
4036 Copley, Sir Godfrey
4037 339
4038 95.115
4040 73.225
4041 12
4058 178.180
4054 Copping, John 233
4055 271.293-295.334-338b
4056 39.233.298
4057 66.107.159
4066 105
4069 144
4057 Coram, Thomas 80
4063 Corbett, Benjamin 122
4057 Corbett, Thomas 23
4054 Cordonnier de Saint Hyacinthe 229
4067 128
4068 294
4041 Cornaro, F 152.260
4058 Coste and Co, Messrs 184
4050 Cotesworth, C 13
4058 186
4066 Cotton, Philip 301.302
4036 Cotton, Rupert 180.182
4058 Cotton, Thomas 188
4058 Cottrell, Sir Clement 189
4036 Courten al Charleton, William 39.82.89
4062 234.238.317.321
4067 25.29.62
4040 Covel, John 106
4044 255
4063 194
4065 281
4045 Coventry, Anne 141
4055 99
4047 Coventry, William 325
4055 30
4064 Coward, James 46
4040 Coward, William 171
4046 281
4062 Cowley, Bartholomew 265
4039 Cowper, William
4058 189-195b
4036 Coxe, Daniel 147
4058 198
4053 Cox, James 369
4055 282
4055 Crafford, Hames 311
4036 Craig, John 348
4041 126
4055 Cramer, Johann Elias 53.76-79b
4050 Creighton, Ninian 78
4055 Crewe, John 317
4066 Crispe, Andrew 303
4062 Cromwell, Katharine 283
4046 Cromwell, S 127
4050 Conhelm, Andreas Henricusde 57
4066 Croone, William 108
4058 Cropley, Sir John 199
4056 Crosse, Sir John 208
4069 39
4058 Crosse, William 200.202
4055 Crowe, Thomas 304
4058 203
4058 Crowe, William 204
4062 Crow, Henry 273.305
4066 Croyden, Thomas 304
4053 Cruden, Alexander 358
4053 360
4055 230
4056 341
4058 Crull, Jodocus 206
4064 Crumpe, Sarah 149
4066 305.308
4066 Crumpe, Thomas 305
4058 Crusen, C B 207-209b
4056 Cuenz, - 219.256
4069 42
4058 Cumberland, William Augustus 210
4053 Cumming, Ann 196.243
4037 Cumming, D 218.263.279
4038 341
4038 Cuninghame, James 35
4040 350
4041 25.265.266
4064 132.144
4050 Cuningham, George 114.175
4042 Cununghame, David 12
4041 Cuperus, Gisbertus 95
4040 Cuppage, William 95.277
4039 Curll, Edmund 69
4056 249
4058 211
4045 D, A alias D, R 124.297
4038 D, G 52
4058 D, W 212
4064 Dahlsted, George 106
4062 Daille, Jean 185
4036 Dale, Samuel 122.130
4039 142.354.422.426
4041 285.329
4042 46
4043 81
4046 42.305
4047 120
4052 340
4053 51.247.303
4055 67
4058 213-216b
4063 218
4064 20
4066 244.311
4068 9.11
4069 Dale, - 352
4043 D’Almasses, M 176
4044 25
4050 Dalrymple, Hew 29
4052 34
4057 Dalrymple, John 40
4064 Dalton, Th 8
4051 Dandridge, - 266
4063 Dare, George 152
4066 D’Argenville, D 312
4058 Darrington, - 135
4054 Daude, - 185
4058 Davidson, D 217
4038 Davies, G 175.248
4044 Davies, Myles 254
4065 Davies, W 218
4042 Dawes, Sir William 268
4058 Day, Alexander 219
4058 De La Haize, Abraham 226
4057 De L’Isle, Louis 144
4058 228
4064 Deerham, Revd - 61
4054 Deering, Charles 86
4069 204
4053 Defoe, Benjamin Norton 110
4047 Deidier, Chevalier Antoine 327
4055 359
4068 117
4069 146
4058 Delabene, Elizabeth 221
4045 Delacoste, J 323
4046 116.256.318
4048 5.88.124
4052 137
4053 11
4058 222
4053 Delacourt, John 19
4046 Delafaye, Charles 330
4047 234
4064 72
4052 Delagrive, Jean 361
4053 140.178
4058 224
4068 205.217.223
4056 Delisle, Joseph Nicholas 199.206
4055 Delor, L 319-321b
4045 Denham, Thomas 127
4046 Dennis, John 295
4049 155
4049 Dereham, Sir Thomas
4049 121.121b.241.246
4050 67.115.226
4052 20.212.243
4053 103.120.285
4054 5.80
4066 90.105
4068 137.138
4037 Derham, William 46
4039 103.151.418
4042 245.250.319
4044 100
4045 27.66
4046 43.200.271
4049 63.163.211
4050 9.163.
4051 162.192.293
4052 25
4053 305.376
4058 230.232
4049 Dering,Mary 151
4050 199
4037 Des Maizeaux, Pierre 376
4042 247.288.303
4044 175
4045 309.335
4053 165
4056 330
4058 233-241
4066 314-318b
4036 Des Marets, D 20.40
4041 Des Moulins, Scipio 38
4047 Desaguliers, J H 342
4048 164
4044 Desaguliers, Jean Theophile 170
4049 68.215
4050 40.244
4051 200
4066 310
4041 Deschamps. Anthony 221
4048 Deschisaux, Pierre 225.252
4056 34.82.88
4069 20
4043 Desoulies, Ann 303
4054 Destouches, - 279
4053 Deverell, John 370
4058 242
4053 Dicconson, Pl 25
4066 Dickenson, William 319
4047 Dickinson, Guido 330
4063 Dickinson, John 14.33.63
4062 Dickinson, W 167
4065 Digby, John 227.228
4066 Digby, Sir Kenelm 321
4040 Digby, William 371
4053 Dillenius, John James 222
4055 350
4057 172
4066 322.323.325
4057 Ditcher, John 125
4058 Ditton, Humphrey 243.245
4046 Dixon, Thomas 108
4062 Dodsworth, Matthew 196.204
4054 Dod, Peirce 144
4043 Dolnus, Martin 204
4045 162
4058 247
4066 Donati, Donato 326
4063 Doody, Joseph 206
4039 Doody, Samuel 326
4058 248.250
4062 214.268
4064 10
4066 327-330b
4053 Doppelmayer, Johann Gabriel 200
4068 243
4058 Doria, Paulus Matthias 252
4053 Dortous se Marian, Jean Jacques 116.241
4054 15
4066 331
4068 218
4064 D’Orvillle, Willem 246
4055 Douce, Francis 374
4066 Douglas, J 332
4058 Douglas, James 252-261b
4065 Douglas, John 62.114.121
4066 333
4046 Douglas, John - Surgeon 314
4048 267
4054 218
4046 Dover, Thomas 80
4051 225
4058 264.265
4066 Dowdall, Laurence 334
4062 Downes, John 150.165.172
4066 371
4052 Drake, Francis 22-24.221.283
4054 7.9
4055 324
4058 267
4038 Drake, J 5
4040 197
Drake, James 42
4047 Drake, - 38
4063 Drawings 123
4066 Drayton, James 335
4069 Drevetiere, - de la 66
4047 Du Common, Susan 186
4053 Du Common, - 302
4052 Du Halde, Pere Jean Baptiste 365
4053 108.109
4054 76
4068 214.303
4057 Du Molard, - 128
4058 Du Puy, - 280
4053 Dubosh, - 361
4058 Dubourdieu, Jean 269
4062 Dudley, Abraham 265
4050 Dufay,
Charles Francois de Cisternay 122
4053 375
4054 287
4055 199.138.166
4056 76.90
4058 271.272
4068 255.317.326.327.329.339
4069 17
Duff, William 273-278
4056 Duhamel du Monceau,
Henri Louis 80
4069 33
4048 Duke, Richard 7
4066 Dunbar, Archibald 338
4048 Dundas, Duncan 83
4055 Dunoquet, - 127.171.178
4068 325
4058 Dunoyer, P 278
4040 Dun, Sir Patrick
4058 Dupuys, Claudius 282.287
4066 Durand, David 58
4046 Durnelly, Richard 291
4058 Dutton, Ralph 288
4056 Dutton, Sir John 304
4046 Dwight, Samuel 120.150
4057 Dyve, Frances 229
4058 290
4069 Dyve, Frances 86
4051 Eade, John 117
4045 Eaton, Robert 126.277
4047 20.159.180
4058 291.293
4046 Eccles, James 217
4065 Edeus, Egbert 267
4058 Edwards, David 295
Edwards, George 110
4065 Edwards, Thomas 60.61
4068 Efferen, - d’ 100
4047 Ehrhart, Balthasar 251.344
4048 186.202.287
4051 135
4052 174
4054 39
4068 120.186.201
4069 147
4046 Ekhines, Thomas 354.357
4047 169.170
4064 Elborowe, Richard
4062 Elder, David 253
4048 Elking, H 183.217
4049 44
4050 191
4062 Ellis, John 314
4063 Ellis, Robert 81.191
4064 2.55
4066 Elsmere, Alice 118
4041 Elsmere, John 222
4056 Elsmere, Sloane 296
4045 Elst, P- J- vander 214
4065 290
4063 Elton, Thomas 116
4039 Emmett, Maurice 377
4066 Emson, James 366
4053 England,
Sovereigns of etc. George II 359
4054 234
4058 32
4066 382
4068 299
4067 England,
Sovereigns of etc. Wm & Mary 148
4065 English, Hinroydah 155
4036 Epes, T 94
4052 Erskine, Charles 191
4050 Erskine, David 12
4066 Escher, Jean 331
4055 Estevenson, R 157
4058 Evans, John 297.299
4058 Evans, Joseph 301
4062 Evans, - 272
4037 Evelyn, John 69
4039 404
4063 102.104
4058 Eyles, Sir John 302
4047 Eyre, Kingsmill 56
4065 Fellowe, Rice 208.217
4058 Fenky, D- 325
4053 Ferchault de Reamumur
(Rene Antoine) 325
4054 255
4055 151.152
4057 167.211.216
4068 302.340
4069 11.14.21
4036 Ferguson, C- 139
4036 Ferguson, V- 106
4037 25.73.119
4038 16
4043 200
4044 84
4040 Ferguson, William 33
4038 Ferne, Thomas 33.164
4051 Ferrari, V- 300
4057 Ferreni, Antoine 87
4049 Fettiplace, George 138
4046 Feuillerade, P[ete]r 323
4058 Fielding, Mary 315-324b
4063 Fifield, Samuel 3
4055 Filenius, P- 260
4045 Finch, Elizabeth 281
4062 Finch, William 180
4066 342
4042 Fischer, Johann Bernard 157
4064 211
4066 175.343
4040 Fisher, William 65
4036 Fitzgerald, R- 24
4055 Fitzgerald, Thomas 32
4058 Fitzschkaw, - 334
4048 Flamsteed, Margaret 147.271
4036 Flamsteed, Revd John 187.195
4037 234
4062 213
4050 Fletcher, Henry 156
4044 Fletcher, W- 3
4058 Flower, John 335
4038 Floyer, Sir John 355
4058 Fokes, M- 337
4048 Folkes, Martin 223
4051 209
4052 342
4053 60.151.26
4057 38.95.236
4058 338-344
4039 Fontaney, Jan de 277.334
4041 50.232
4058 345
4064 181
4069 255
4038 Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de 27
4051 307
4052 276
4053 144
4068 213
4063 Foquett, John 7
4053 Forbenj, Johanna Sophie 291
4062 Forcer, Francis 310
4066 378
4042 Ford, James 169
4045 Ford, Randolph 286
4050 Forrester, Alexander 251
4063 Forrest, George 65
4064 Fothringhame, B- 197
4062 Foucquet, Jean Francois 319
4039 Fountaine, Sir Andrew 238
4043 14
4058 346.347
4065 Francke, Adam 73
4063 Francklin, George 34.53
4064 91
4053 Franco, - 255
4047 Franklin, Benjamin 347
4052 Franklin, Richard 234
4055 Franklyne, John 296
4054 Franks, Thomas 21
4056 198
4036 Fraser, James 224.250
4039 38
4066 344
4045 Fraser, William 82
4047 Freind, John 52
4059 1
4066 1
4068 146
4059 Freind, Robert 2
4059 Freman, George 4
4043 Freman, Ralph 308
4059 5-10b
4059 Freman, Ra- 11
4049 Fremont, Philip Richard 15
4054 49
4055 269
4056 60.172.337
4069 Fremont, Philip Richard 63
4049 French, Andrew 135
4050 82
4050 French, Elizabeth 81
4059 Fresne, Girard de 13
4057 Freval, John Baptist de 60
4059 Frewin, Richard 14
4053 Frobeni, August 266
4059 15
4046 Fuller, John - Junior 91.302
4052 265.355
4059 19
4040 Fuller, John - Senior 338
4042 219.277
4044 136
4059 17
4050 Fuller, Rose
4051 113.278
4053 227
4054 50
4055 69
4056 155 (copy)
4059 21
4057 Fuller, Stephen
4047 Fuller, Th- 302.309
4048 94
4049 26
4050 170
4053 190
4063 Fyge, Thomas 199
4057 Gaetry, J- 52
4052 Gagnier, John 253
4052 Gale, R 286
4055 11.228
4037 Gale, Thomas 268
4059 23
4057 Gallawey, David 73
4059 Gambarini, - 24
4043 Ganeau, - 91.124
4050 Garbutt, Jos 259
4051 Garcin, Laurence 289
4052 149.201-206b
4053 183
4049 Garengeot,
Rene Jacques Crossiant de 237
4050 45
4051 87.253
4068 151
4059 Garnier, Isaac 25
4036 Garrard, Cecilia 220
4040 218.367
4048 53
4051 206.269
4053 159
4056 119
4057 Garraway, Christopher 163
4059 Garth, Sir Samuel 27-47b
4053 Gaudy, Revd John 270
4038 Gavet, Jacobus 185
4068 25.26
4059 Gayland, Joseph 48
4037 Gee, Edward 251
4062 Gee, J- 229
4047 Gemmingen, - 45
4047 Genebrier, Claude 317
4048 36
4056 252
4068 124
4044 Geoffroy, Claude Joseph 65.194
4045 113
4047 216
4049 144
4050 50
4051 241.245
4052 144.326.333
4053 142.260
4056 237.275
4059 50.52
4066 324
4068 265.290.307.337
4037 Geoffroy, Etienne Francois
4039 171
4040 114
4041 273.315
4043 314
4047 216
4048 126
4050 107
4059 53-36b
4062 315
4066 345
4069 153-159.162-166b
4062 Geston, Joseph 314
4037 Gibbons, William 85.117
4059 57
4062 251.273
4059 Gibsone, A- 59
4037 Gibson, Edmund 213.337.346
4046 258.273
4049 42.176b
4050 27
4055 287
4056 151
4066 Gibson, John 346
4055 Gibson, John -
Dean of Down 336
4046 Gibson, Thomas 19
4062 Gidley, John 233
4065 Gilbert, Henry 245
4054 Gilks, Moreton 110
4055 Gillbe, Humphrey 173
4036 Gilleland, Margaret 112
4052 Girardin, Jacques Felix de 237.376
4053 194
4056 279
4057 24.105
4068 203
4069 55.71.167
4059 Girard, - 61.62
4042 Giraudeau, M 10
4048 Giuntini, Jerome 233
4049 209
4052 10
4063 Glanvile, E- 180
4067 Glanvile, Madame 83
4066 Glanvill, Elianor 349
4059 Gleane, Sir Thomas 64
4066 Glentworth, Mary 350
4053 Godfrey, Ambrose - Junior 245
4046 Godfrey, Ambrose - Senior 93.362 (P.S.)
4047 196.274.340
4047 341
4048 78.144
4051 224
4052 312-316b
4052 Godfrey, Boyle 251
4053 334
4054 206-209b.312
4057 152
4059 65-74b
4053 Godin, Louis 378
4062 Godman, William 305
4065 Godwin, Thomas 300
4046 Gondrin, H- de 50
4036 Goodall, Charles 375
4039 253
4064 207
4065 Goodricke, H- 96
4049 Goodwin, Charles 140
4055 Goodwin, Henry 188
4037 Goodwin, Thomas 194
4059 Goodyeare, A 75
4059 Gordon, Alexander 76
4037 Gordon, Patrick 223
4038 11.178.330
4050 10.63
4063 100
4065 Gorman, John 126
4055 Gosling, Robert 333
4056 Gosse, Pierre 215
4068 349.349b
4039 Gough, H- 196
4066 Gough, Revd - 120
4036 Gould, William 1
4040 Grabe, Johann Ernst 348
4036 Grainge, James 37
4049 Gramm, Hans 1
4054 292
4068 315
4069 82
4057 Grandjean de Fouchy, Jean Paul 8
4045 Grandorge, John 128
4063 Graves, John 219
4066 Gray, R- 351.352
4038 Gray, Stephen
4039 332
4041 83
4042 336
4058 Gray, Stephen - Electrician 123
4059 Green al Greene, E- 77.78
4065 Greene, Mary 172
4039 Greene, Robert 43
4041 Greene, Thomas 332
4048 102
4059 79
4065 201
4066 107
4067 46
4065 Greene, William
4059 Greenhill, Thomas 80
4050 Greenwood, James 141
4065 Green, William 156-158
4066 354.355
4043 Gregory, Capt. Matthew 199
4044 281
4048 9
4036 Gregory, David 230.254.305.324.353
4037 334
4039 307
4063 6
4038 Greg, M- Mrs 213
4039 30.24
4059 Grenvile, M 81
4066 Grevill, K 356
4062 Grew, Mary 192
4066 359
4036 Grew, Nehemiah 113.309
4037 77.116
4039 299.328
4042 30.275
4059 83.84
4062 192.235.275
4066 357.358.359.60
4067 140
4049 Grey, Mary
4052 120
4053 331
4054 22.31
4059 86-91
4067 176
4068 253
4048 Griffinrath, co Kildare 210
4036 Griffith, A 176
4043 Griffith, Robert 256
4065 Grigg, Rachel 240
4066 361
4065 Grigg, Thomas
4062 Grigson, Elias 157
4065 Grigson, Thomas 280
4046 Grocious, James 172
4039 Groenveldt al Greenfield, John 409
4040 105.376
4043 299
4044 20
4064 133
4054 Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus 154
4057 45
4054 Grosse, - 42
4055 344
4069 7
4062 Gruterus, Isaac 138.141-144b.146.149.185
4046 Guilielmi, - 162
4066 Guillan, Andrew 362
4062 Guillard, Pierre 199
4051 Guillemeau, Eustache 24
4057 Guisard, Pierre 200
4069 79
4066 Gulston, Joseph 363
4059 Gunbie, William 92
4037 Gundelsheimer, Andre 130
4046 Gwyllym, Meredith 72
4046 Gyles, John 7
4050 Gyles, John - MD 59.84
4059 93
4044 Gyllenborg, Carl - Count 231
4045 308
4053 Gyllenborg, H- H- 136
4059 Habeich, James 95
4057 Hadley, George 74.75
4057 Hadley, Henry 164
4046 Hadley, John 134
4047 236
4057 Hadley, T- 74
4042 Hales, Robert 92
4045 164.167
4049 Hales, Stephen 79
4052 147
4053 123
4055 37
4056 20.46
4044 Haliday, Samuel
4045 12.34
4036 Halley, Edmond 175
4038 82
4042 131
4046 264.307
4048 317
4050 181
4059 96
4056 Hall, Albert de 63
4052 Hall, Fayrfax 245
4063 Hall, Stephen 135.136.142
4064 78
4062 Hall, - 216
4063 Halsteed, William 18
4059 Hamerstein, Alexander von 98
4045 Hamill, William 3
4046 313
4041 Hamilton, Anne 241.261
4042 173
4043 238.242
4047 Hamilton, E- 100
4063 Hamilton, James - of Edinburgh
4064 97.100
4036 Hamilton, James - of Tobermore 235.326
4037 21
4063 Hamilton, Jean 105
4044 Hamilton, Sir David 102
4059 100.111b
4046 Hamilton, Sophia 15
4037 Hamiltoun, - 254
4046 Hamond, Christopher 148
4059 Hampe, Johann Heinrich 113
4057 Hampton Court, co Middl 124
4059 Hamp, D- 112
4059 Hanbury, K- 115
4045 Hanchett, Edward 215
4039 150
4036 Handisyd, George 110.131
4059 Hannes, Sir Edward 117.119
4059 Hansard, John 120
4056 Hanschius, Michael Gottlieb 229
4066 Harbin, George 364
4044 Harders, M- L- 244
4045 85
4045 Hardisway, P- 288
4053 355
4054 138
4065 Hardwicke, Humphrey 54
4066 Hardwicke, Robert 365
4039 Hardy, Thomas 157
4039 Hare, Henry 213.234
4040 54
4062 199.201.202
4042 Hargreaves, John 281
4043 30
4052 Harley, Edward 9
4053 287
4059 121
4051 Harmens, Gustav 298
4038 Harrison, James 29
4066 Harrison, R- 366
4037 Harris, George 319
4039 Harris, I 338
4059 Harris, Joseph 121
4050 Harris, Nicholas 216
4053 10
4045 Harris, Richard 37
4055 Harris, Robert 64
4046 Harris, Timothy 343.345.347
4047 155
4046 Harris, Walter 300
4059 125
4066 108
4052 Hartley, David 264
4053 163
4036 Hartmann, Philippus Jacobus 346
4069 168
4066 Hartopp, Martin 367
4062 Harvard University 235
4059 Harvey, William 129.130
4046 Harvey William - MP for Co Essex 193
4059 127
4045 Harvie, James 92
4046 225
4050 Harward, Revd Thomas 247
4051 255
4059 Harwood, Jo 131-135b
4065 Haslewood, - 287
4066 Hatton, Christopher - 1st Baron 371
4039 Hatton, Christopher - 1st Viscount 198
4059 Hatton, Elizabeth 138
4036 Hatton, Hon Charles 151.240.322
4037 4
4039 204
4041 98
4059 136
4063 28.102
4064 14
4066 368.369
4064 Hatt, Pigott 67
4051 Haverkamp, Sigebertus 44
4037 Havers, Clopton 348
4064 Hawis, A 223
4066 Hawys, John 373
4045 Haym, Nicolino Francesco 14.18.22
4059 141.142
4059 Haywood, Eliza 144
4059 Hay, George 140
4050 Hay, George Henry 183
4038 Hay, James 107
4043 218
4063 Hay, William 45
4066 374.375.376
4055 Hazler, John 3
4039 Heame, Thomas 164b
4042 Hearne, Thomas
4046 240.293
4047 3
4052 74
4067 Heathcote, Henry 164
4066 Heathcote, Sir Gilbert 97
4066 Heathcote, William 377
4049 Heaton, Richard 14
4050 190
4049 Heister, Lorenz 216
4065 204
4044 Helfferich, Johannes Jacobus 9
4059 146
4051 Hellenbroek, Isaac 199.246
4050 Helmes, R- 290
4047 Helvetius, Jean Claude Adrien 14
4049 261
4050 206
4052 160
4068 116.158
4065 Hempson, W 45
4065 Henderson, William 238
4065 Heneage, Samuel 216
4056 Henkel, Johann Friedrich 309
4069 52
4053 Henley, John 253
4057 Henrichsen, - 148
4038 Henshaw, Thomas 138
4055 Henzell, B 187.190
4053 Hepburn, George 97
4053 Herbert, Henry 217
4055 265
4059 154-160b
4068 251
4062 Herbert, Sir Edward 224
4068 7
4059 Herbert, Thomas 148-153b
4068 250
4044 Herbinet, - 14.16
4037 Herman al Hermann, Anna
4037 243.297.335
4038 16.62
4039 200.231
4050 Herrliberger, David 72
4037 Hervey, Thomas 375
4049 Heucher, Joannes Henricus de 48
4051 8.304-306b
4052 108
4055 15
4056 104
4057 143
4069 5.36.169
4066 Heuss, Michael 3
4037 Hickes, George 267
4038 6
4041 327
4042 218
4043 230
4059 161-170b
4063 119.133
4066 148
4067 204
4039 Hickes, J- 163.164
4045 Hickie, Den 298
4064 Hiegell, Joannes Crafto 71
4036 Hill, Abraham 124.345
4040 131
4046 48.183
4059 171
4065 Hill, Ann 241
4055 Hill, Gilbert 347
4065 Hill, John 41
4052 Hill, Joseph 15
4065 175
4066 Hill, S 378
4053 Hill, Thomas 33
4068 Hill, - 17
4062 Hinde, Thomas 265
4066 Hinde, - 99
4065 Hirzelius, Solomon 296
Hoadly, Benjamin –
Bishop of Winchester 259
4056 Hoadly, Benjamin – MD 183
4046 Hobart, James 157
4059 173
4042 Hobbs, William 13
4038 Hodgson, J- 153
4050 192
4056 Hoffman, Fr- 335
4046 Holland, John 75
4048 Holland, Richard 158
4059 174
4053 Hollings, John 209
4045 Hollington, co Sussex 127
4047 Holloway, Benjamin 108
4050 294
4051 19.105
4052 42.111
4056 Holmes, John 329
4064 Holmes, Joseph 90
4054 Holmes, William 25.51
4038 Holt, Sir Charles 232
4039 104
4066 Holz, C- 379
4046 Honywood, Sir Robert 187
4059 127
4055 Hoofnail, John 313
4062 Hooke, Robert 191.194.229
4067 197
4065 Horne, Robert 289
4055 Hortega, Don Joseph 48
4054 Hort, Josiah 112
4065 Hosier, Richard 103
4063 Hoskins, Sir John 4
4068 16.17
4037 Hotton, Petrus 165.363
4039 347.385.387.416
4040 336.358.373.379
4041 228
4068 33
4053 Houdeman al Hudemann,
Ludwig Friedrich 384-386b
4068 272
4069 53
4066 Hough, John 381
4043 Hough, John -
President, Magdalen C Ox 62
4046 286
4048 188
4059 176
4065 245
4066 Houlms, - 122
4051 Houston, Ja 85
4047 Houston, Robert 267
4048 239
4059 177
4051 Houston, William 141
4052 82
4037 Howard, Diana 83
4043 Howard, Henrietta 40
4059 180
4059 Howard, Hugh? 179
4037 Howard, Thomas 81.104
4059 Howard, William 181.184b
4066 Howard, - 269
4038 Howe, George 209
4059 185
4059 Howe, J 187
4066 Howe, Ruperta 382
4038 Howland, Elizabeth 37
4041 245
4066 149
4066 Howman, Edward 383
4065 How, Edmund 105.106
4062 How, Hen 135
4042 Hoy, Thomas 7
4050 Hubert, William 167
4052 Huber, - Abbe 97
4065 Huddleston, A- 293
4038 Hudson, John 257
4039 65.258.313.320
4040 35.239.319
4041 218.282
4042 140.175.342
4043 102
4042 Hughes, Adam Friderick 150b
4057 Hughes, Griffith 223.226
4039 Hughes, Hugo 303
4042 Hughes, - Igenieur 150
4042 Hughes, - Vigiliarum Proefectus 50
4054 Hugo, Dr August Johann 125.220
4055 160
4066 385
4068 278
4039 Hulse, Sir Edward 83
4054 172
4066 Humfreys, Madam - 77
4053 Humfreys, Orlando 47
4054 129
4052 Hunauld, Francis Joseph 369
4053 76.207.262
4056 318
4068 207
4067 Hunt, Francis 115
4039 Hunt, Henry 397
4043 151
4062 299
4050 Hussey, William 69
4040 Hutchinson, Francis 302
4043 38
4047 67.110
4059 Hutton, John 189
4064 173
4064 Hyde, Edward 86.193
4039 Hyde, Henry -
2nd Earl of Clarendon 406
4059 190.191
4064 93
4053 Hyde, Henry - Viscount Cornbury 158.180
4037 Hyde, Thomas
4038 199.292
4062 310
4063 96.133
4066 386.388
4039 Hynmers, Joseph 58
4059 H-, J- 94
4048 H-, S- 3
4059 H[arrison], E[dward] 126
4048 India, East 94
4066 Ingerson, James 389
4046 Inglis, John 230
4068 113
4065 Innys, William 93
4062 Irby, Capt. Anthony 182.183.206-208b
4037 Isted, Thomas 38.66
4043 292
4044 150
4059 197
4065 18.21
4044 Jablonski, Daniel Ernestus 63
4047 Jackson, Benjamin Habakkuk 9
4052 Jacmin, L- J- 64.135.182
4053 314
4068 Jacmin, L- J- 245
4054 Jacobe, Dr - 246.300
4068 275.292
4056 Jacquier, Francis 351
4066 Jager, Ernst August 62
4064 Jago, George
4066 390
4056 Jallabert, Jean 163.226
4057 136
4069 41.85
4047 Jamaica, Isle of 169
4054 James, Robert 235
4048 Japan 93
4052 Jarriages, Phillupus Josephus de 322
4068 244
4062 Jenkinson, Thomas 159
4056 Jenner, Thomas 242
4041 Jervoise, Thomas 143
4040 Jodrell, Paul 9
4063 Johnson, Sir Nathanael 79
4062 Johnson, Stephen 163
4056 Johnson, Thomas 106
4059 Johnston, James 198
4037 Johnston, Nathaniel
4040 Johnston, Thomas 167
4062 Johnston, William 283
4055 John, - de 323
4048 Jones, Henry 139
4062 Jones, Hugh 268
4063 68
4037 Jones, Jezreel 357
4038 144.150.154
4039 9
4059 199
4063 67.76
4066 391
4059 Jones, John 200.202
4039 Jones, John - schoolmaster 37
4055 Jones, Richard 254
4063 Jones, Richard -
Rector of Llanelian 168.175
4056 Jones, Roger 224.243.272
4057 82
4043 Jones, Thomas 281
4050 Jones, William 125
4055 413
4055 Joye, Charles 71
4063 Judkin, Edward 75.99.124
4047 Jurin, James
4059 204
4065 274.324
4065 Jurin, John 222.226
4042 Jussieu, Anthoine de 266
4045 185.295.310
4046 81.97.331.337
4047 286.350
4049 161
4050 117.279
4051 285
4053 220.259.347
4055 84
4065 178.187
4069 42b.170.171
4048 Jussieu, Bernard de 306.313
4050 55
4052 202
4053 280.349
4054 249
4056 274
4057 196
4059 193-196
4068 207b.258
4069 59
4047 Kaempfer, Johann Hermann 106
4048 100
4065 315(copy).317.338.343
4039 Keill, James 180.275.287
4040 83.172.257
4041 140
4042 352
4043 60.66
4044 39
4045 49.134.10
4059 206-238
4067 1
4039 Keill, John 78
4065 3
4067 2.3
4063 Keir, Walter 141
4055 Kellaway, John 9
4067 84
4045 Kelly, James 106
4051 Kelly, Revd George 182
4049 Kenworthy, Joseph 131
4050 62
4059 Kenwrick, Revd George 239
4047 Keon, Christopher 138.139.149
4046 Keppel, Jean Rabo de 351
4042 Kerridge, William 227
4057 Kerr, Mary 153
4043 Ker, Alexander 310
4056 Kettle, Thomas 270.326.334
4043 Keylway, Robert 22
4038 Key, Jonathon 315
4059 Kidby, John 241
4059 Kielmansegge, Charlotte Sophia 243
4038 Kiggelaer, S- 283
4056 Kindon, Henry 55
4056 Kindon, John 43.54
4041 King, Charles 22
4064 88
4045 King, John 168
4055 221
4038 King, Sir Edmund 207.215-220b
4048 King, William 67
4049 66
4038 Kinnaird, Ch- 181
4040 77
4036 Kirchmaier, G- 303
4052 Kirkall, E- 346
4036 Kirke, Thomas 197.201
4067 Kirkhouse, Patrick 5
4038 Kisner, Joannes Georgiun 205
4039 378
4050 3
4051 178
4064 29
4065 295.299
4063 Klein, Gottfried
4050 Klein, Jacobus Theodorus 46.185
4051 316
4052 277.304
4053 310
4054 88
4057 134.175
4068 352
4045 Knapp, Thomas 159
4039 Knapton, James 1
4063 217
4065 Knaut, Christian
4047 Knowles. Gilbert 312
4050 Knowlton, Thomas 200
4056 179-182
4057 100
4067 Knox, Robert 6
4036 Koleserius de Keres-Eer, Samuel 12
4050 117
4069 177.175
4054 Korff, Johannes Albertus 105.318
4068 280.346
4069 177.178
4056 Kraut, J-S- 333
4059 Kremberg, I- 245
4037 Kreig, David 299.323
4038 333
4039 145.536
4041 71
4067 7
4067 Krumbein, - 8
4059 La Roche, Michael de 254
4067 9
4040 Labb, - 57
4066 Lambert, - 2
4059 Lamothe, Claude Groteste 247.250b
4065 Lamotte, Charles 340
4066 9.24.26
4039 Landi, Ubertino 228
4043 229
4059 251
4044 Landon, Mary 209
4057 Langbridge, Edmund 168
4054 Langius, Carolus Nicolaus 177
4064 113.165
4068 295
4065 Langlade, - 133
4057 Langlet, Dufresnoy, Nicholas 94
4048 Langley, Batty 294
4051 27.67.180
4059 252
4063 Langley, Samuel 40
4052 Langrish, Browne
4053 134.329
4054 4.11
4057 35
4068 263
4062 Langston, John 240
4054 Lanoue, Henry Noel de 241
4042 Lany, Edward 323
4054 Lapland 271.272
4039 Lasher, Joshua 375
4055 Laurie, Walter 60.133.149
4039 Lavater, Jean Jacques 420
4064 144
4039 Lavater, Jean Rudolphe 420
4040 46.47.300.364
4041 85
4043 57
4044 73
4059 256
4059 Lavater, J- 255
4054 Lawson, Isaac 154
4063 Lawson, John 79
4064 214.249.267(copy).271
4067 10
4047 Le Feure, Jean Francois 1
4059 257
4062 315
4066 Le Maitre, - 110.112
4041 Le Neve, Peter 314
4047 Le Neve, William 28
4056 Le Seur, Thomas 351
4041 Le Vassor, Michel 102
4067 Leach, D- 11
4067 Leatherton, Jacob 12
4064 Leath, Thomas 128
4062 Leau, Abraham de 134
4063 Lea, William 159.162
4063 Lecaan, Jean 228
4065 28.110
4067 13-19.76.134
4064 Lecaan, Sophia Amelia 172.208
4067 20.22
4054 Lediarde, Thomas 94
4055 102
4037 Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van 183
4064 220-222b.240-245
4068 23.27.32
4062 Lee, Samuel 235
4053 Lehmann, Johannes Christianus 312
4038 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm 281.339
4039 116.390
4041 27
4042 73.263
4043 19
4069 179
4038 Leigh, Charles 132.265
4059 258
4064 Leigh, Jonathon 266
4040 Lelong, Jacques 143
4059 260
4039 Lely, John 157.161.169
4036 Leming, John 45
4050 Lennox, Charles
4053 301.308
4054 214
4055 26
4056 126.221
4059 262-269
4050 Lennox, Sarah 49
4059 270
4065 Lenton, John 49
4055 Lethieullier, Smart 255
4067 23
4065 Levett, Henry 35
4069 181
4053 Levi, Jaques 1
4057 232
4059 Lewis, George 273
4063 143
4064 54.57.99
4064 Lewis, Nourse 62
4059 Lewis, Stepney 274
4038 Lewis, Thomas 359
4038 Lhwyd, Edward 236.346
4040 332
4059 275
4062 270.276.278b.279.281.286
4062 297.300.301.308.309
4064 165.168
4050 Lidderdale, James 113.153
4055 234
4051 Liebknecht, John George 248
4041 Liege 34
4055 Light, Alexander 370
4044 Limmer, Conrad Philip 50
4044 Limmer, John Conrad 90
4045 Lincke, Johannes Heinricus 333
4046 89.358
4050 256
4052 338
4053 251
4066 5
4068 208
4054 Linnaeus, Carl 154.190
4055 40
4045 Linton, I- 257
4059 Lisle, Mary 276-279
4036 Lister, Martin 36
4039 257.273
4041 23
4042 39.121
4059 280
4064 206
4064 Littlejohn, Revd Charles 238
4062 Little, Cornelius 140
4055 357
4056 234.255.322
4057 227
4069 51
4056 Lloyd, Edward 235
4036 Lloyd, John 209
4053 181
4038 Lloyd, Philip 137.303
4039 336
4043 28
4036 Locke, John 185.290.294
4038 113.187.221
4039 243.259.261-270b
4059 282.284
4046 Lockyer, Charles 104.111
4051 295
4057 121
4043 Loenen, Daniel a 168
4056 London, Christ’s Hospital 239.261
4054 London, Corporation of 233
4056 London, Foundling Hospital 147.203.207
4059 London, George 286
4062 214
4064 123
4067 31.33-39
4048 London,
Royal College of Physicians 44
4049 233
4060 158
4064 29.170
4066 22.74.264
4064 London,
Royal College of Surgeons 170.251
4044 London, Royal Society 213
4050 43
4063 172
4064 220-222b.240-245
4067 152.189
4040 London, Societies,
Medical Apothecaries 378
4052 15
4066 244
4049 London, St Thomas’s Hospital 69
4053 London, Testimonial of Alderman 358
4059 Longwood, Frances 288
4063 Lord, Joseph 132.155
4064 258
4041 Lorme, J- L- de 42
4048 Lovell, Edward 257
4052 122
4046 Lovell, Thomas 279
4059 289
4051 Lowdham, Caleb 136.197
4039 Lower, Thomas 191
4048 Lowther, John 145
4052 335
4053 88
4065 Lowthorp, F- 154.166.183
4037 Lowthorp, John 351
4065 30
4065 Luffkin al Lufkin, John 161
4055 Lye, Edward 361
4045 Lyle, John 129
4046 Lynn, Francis 166
4051 Lytcott, A- 154
4059 Lyttelton, Charles 291
4059 Lyttelton, Sir Richard 293
4067 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas 172.174
4067 M-, B-, 40
4051 M-, L- 217
4053 Macdonell, Randal 219(copy).357
4068 234.239
4046 Macfarling, Elizabeth 78
4046 Macfarling, Patrick 77b
4050 Machin, John 238
4056 240
4059 297
4046 Mack Gergory, John 213
4059 Mackenzie, Abraham 299
4056 Mackenzie, George 345.346.358
4067 Mackie, John 42
4042 Macky, J- 142
4054 MacLaurin, Colin 310
4057 50
4062 Magliabecchi, Antonio 211
4059 Mahony, Daniel 303.305
4054 Maillet, Benedict de 142
4048 Maittaire, Michael 229
4051 280.282
4052 348
4053 26
4057 122.123
4059 307.308
4065 Major, G- 23.29.31
4050 Malouin, Paul Jacques 281
4036 Malthus, Daniel 279
4041 178.302
4043 157
4050 Maderlier, P- A- 79
4049 Manfredi, Eustachio 121b
4052 355
4059 Manners, John 309.311
4046 Manningham, Sir Richard 262.263
4056 84.85
4068 Mann, J- 102
4066 Man, - 346
4062 Maplet, John 168
4054 Marcus, Jacobus 239
4055 Marcus, Moses 162
4058 Marret, Etienne 124
4067 Marshall, James 45
4064 Marshall, John 236
4046 Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinando 215
4068 29
4055 Martindale, Henry 411
4045 Martini, Nicholas 83
4056 Martin, Benjamin 16.26
4057 85.96
4048 Martin, E- 17.174
4059 Martin, Josiah 313
4036 Martin, Martin 338.358
4038 127
4039 165
4040 384
4044 220
4059 314
4068 18
4067 Martin, M- 46
4047 Martyn, John 328
4048 62
4051 42
4059 316.317
4067 Martyn, W- 47
4050 Mason, Cornelius 258
4057 12
4045 Mason, John 9
4053 157
4059 Massey, Isaac 318
4064 83
4040 Massey, Richard Middleton
4040 357.375.381
4042 285.302
4043 8.207
4044 166.237
4045 38.72.86
4046 122
4047 283
4048 122
4057 3
4059 319
4063 167
4064 36.38.257
4065 167.268
4066 126
4067 48.49
4065 Mather, Cotton 255
4037 Mathews, Jane 193
4064 Mathew, Job 180
4065 122
4067 Matthews, John 54
4047 Maubray, John 284.297
4059 321
4062 Mauclerc, James 253
4065 Maxwell, Ro- 191.219.283
4050 Mayer, John Baptist 223
4051 62
4059 323
4053 Maynard, William 289
4059 Mazarella, - 324
4038 McBride, John 117.189.288
4039 229
4040 122
4043 68.202
4054 McBride, Robert 263
4056 317
4057 14
4057 McDonell, Anne 189
4042 McKenzie, George 216
4059 McNaghten, Alexander 301.302
4064 259.264
4065 43
4059 McCullen, James 294
4052 Meack, Edmund 51
4047 Mead, James 125
4049 Mead, Richard 89
4059 326-336
4066 95
4043 Mebuss, C- 319
4052 Medley, G- 3.170.363
4065 Medley, John 254
4057 Meerman, Gerardus 159
4036 Melling, Jo- 14
4046 Mendes, Ferdinand 84.132
4059 Mercator, Samuel 337
4059 Meres, John 339
4049 Meres, J- 53
4063 Merian, afterw Graf, Maria Sybilla 201.204.214
4064 5.70.161
4065 58
4067 51
4036 Merret, Christopher
4059 341.342
4062 Merryweather, John 139
4043 Mesmin, G- 311
4054 Meteorology 184
4045 Meure, Abraham 273.274
4059 344.346
4050 Michaeli al Micheli,
Petrus Antonius 278
4059 349.351
4065 144.232.272
4069 182
4059 Micheli. - 347
4051 Michelotti, Pietro Antonio 210
4052 317
4053 188
4069 183.184
4057 Middleton, Christopher 161
4049 Middleton, Revd Conyers 225
4050 Mildert, Daniel van 261
4059 Millar, Andrew 353
4053 Millar, Robert 249
4054 146
4055 56.147.244
4059 355.356
4059 Millen, Elizabeth 357
4067 Miller, James 53
4066 Miller, Joseph 129
4066 Miller, Philip 129
4067 Mills, Susanna 54
4067 Milner, John 56
4052 Milward, Edward 373
4053 70.114
4059 358
4067 Milward, J- 58
4054 Minet, William 140.192
4067 Mirer, - 59
4046 Misaubin, John 245
4059 360
4059 Mitchell, Andrew 354
4056 Moehring,
Paulus Henricus Gerardus 121.300
4057 120
4069 31
4052 Molesworth, C- 367
4053 49
4066 Molinier, Charles 48
4041 Molyneux, Samuel 190
4044 274
4036 Molyneux, Sir Thomas 314
4037 157(imperf)
4038 140
4039 18
4040 164
4041 10
4052 305
4062 303
4036 Molyneux, William 367
4037 2.8.42
4064 Momford, George 120
4036 Monck, Elizabeth 97
4066 299
4048 Monro nee Bailie, Jane 151
4048 Monro, James 176
4052 Monro, William 235
4047 Monsey, Messenger 54
4063 Monsters, Drawing of 129
4037 Montague, Charles 311
4060 1-11
4037 Montagu, Christopher 31
4043 Montagu, George 50
4047 281
4048 27.190
4060 12
4060 Montagu, John 14-28b
4036 Montagu, Ralph 108.342
4038 162
4060 29
4060 Montagu, R- 31
4040 Montgomery, Hugh 266
4054 Monti, Guiseppe 91
4068 317
4060 Moon, John 33
4045 Moore, Arth 314
4038 Moore, John 101.126
4040 126
4036 Moore, Revd Garrett 49
4065 Moore, Thomas 8
4060 Moor, B- 34
4048 Morand, Sauveur Francois
4049 231
4050 85.131.168
4052 146
4055 298.420.423
4056 1-
4057 66
4060 36
4068 128-131b.151.160.185
4069 12.15
4049 Morceau de Maupertuis,
Pierre Louis 227
4052 14
4060 Mordaunt, Cary 38
4060 Mordaunt, G- 39
4043 Moreau, - 260
4042 Morelli, Henry 239
4062 Morell, Andre 321
4040 More, Thomas 331
4067 More, W- 60
4047 Morice, Sir William 279
4041 Morland, B- 208
4046 Morland, Samuel 232.236.254
4060 Morley, Charles 41
4040 Morley, Ch- 361
4056 Morley, James 213
4069 37
4065 Morris, Richard
4060 Morritt, T- 42
4045 Morsse, William 292
4047 Mortimer, Cromwell 209
4052 162
4066 116
4040 Mortimer, John 271
4046 308
4047 204
4067 61
4051 Morton, Henry 93.133
4052 253.286
4039 Morton, Jane 245.293.322.382.434
4040 210.229.262
4042 297.325.334
4044 127.129.199
4062 281.301.309
4064 48.168
4038 Morton, R- 20
4043 Motteux, Peter Anthony 253
4060 Motte, Andrew 43
4037 Motte, Benjamin 179
4060 Mottley, John 45
4040 Moult, Francis 1
4060 Mountagu, Sir James 46
4047 Moyle, Jos- 112
4060 Moyser, Jo- 48
4067 Moze, H- 62
4051 Muller, Gerard Frederic 148
4065 Muralt d’Etlishausen, Jean de 327
4066 31
4060 Murray, Alexander 50
4046 Musgrave, William - junior
4037 Musgrave, William - senior 306
4040 37.52.116-
4040 340.369
4041 29.163
4042 63.126.309-312
4044 23.92
4045 132
4060 52-61b
4067 64
4044 Muys, Wyerus Gulielmus 230
4054 N-, N- 95
4050 Nadler, Jean 296
4060 62
4044 Nassau, Isabelde 125
4043 Neale, Francis 191
4047 Neale, John 118
4053 Nettleton, Robert 205
4060 64.66
4053 Neufville, Ludovicus de 86
4060 Neufville, Robert de 68
4050 Neumann, Casper 214
4060 Nevil, Henry 69
4040 Newgate 235.245
4043 Newman, Henry - of Whitehall 170
4052 Newman, Henry - Secretary 4
4053 193.278.320.336
4054 41.294
4041 Newton, Samuel 147
4041 Newton, Sir Henry 340
4043 106.258
4040 Newton, Sir Isaac 68
4042 227
4060 70-76
4046 Newton, William 114
4047 253
4044 Nicholls, Robert 60
4041 Nicholson, John - and Company 156
4044 54
4046 Nicolai, G.A. 274
4057 Nicolls, Jos 69
4060 Nicolson, David 77
4060 Nicolson, I- 79
4043 Nicolson, William 33
4054 Nisbet, Gabriel 264
4055 362
4056 30.32
4060 80
4054 Nisbet, Patrick 264
4055 106.136.355
4056 33
4060 80
4036 Northleigh, John
4037 153
4044 Ockley, Simon 266
4036 Odhelius al Odhelstiern, Erich 162
4053 Oglethorpe, Gen James Edward 53
4055 Oldisworth, Austin 186
4054 Oldys, William 103
4039 Olton, Thomas 362
4053 Orme, Alexander 153
4055 275.280
4051 Orr, James 60
4060 Osborn, Anthony 82
4044 Ott, John Baptist 148
4053 Ott, John Henry 34
4057 Owen, Charles 90
4055 Packe, Christopher 96.169
4057 1.103
4051 Paine, Thomas 222
4052 241
4048 Pajot, Louis Leon 315
4049 108.125
4050 61.75
4052 327
4053 150.225
4055 105
4048 Palmer, Ralph 312
4051 186
4053 Palm, H- 224
4056 Panicis, Joseph de 177
4041 Papin, Denis 257.334
4042 Parry, David 3
4043 Partridge, John 184
4050 Passionei, Conte Domenico 270
4051 53.126
4060 84
4039 Paterson, James 28
4060 Pate, William 87
4045 Patras, - 115.306
4040 Pauletti, Francesco 298
4060 Pauli, Petrus 88
4052 Paul, Robert 571
4055 212
4056 Payne, John 314-316b
4038 Paynter, William 79
4052 Pead, William 18
4036 Pearce, Michael 136.137
4060 Peck, G- 90
4052 Peck, Philip 60
4055 399
4056 100
4055 Pelham, James 246
4060 Pellet, Thomas 91
4052 Pemberton, Clemina 153
4037 Pepys, Samuel 182.228.315
4039 12
4060 93.99
4046 Percival, John 85
4051 Perronet al Perronett, Denis 127.129
4054 Perronet, Vincent 213.319
4056 285
4054 Perry, Charles 114
4056 68
4057 83
4060 100
4054 Peters, Charles 187
4060 101
4062 Peter, Josiah 156.157.164
4050 Petit, Jean Louis 165.297
4042 Petiver, James 295.295b.305
4060 103.104
4062 see whole volume
4063 see whole volume
4064 see whole volume
4065 see whole volume
4066 see whole volume
4067 see whole volume
4068 63
4069 187.188
4064 Petiver, William 50.65.95
4066 367
4054 Petre, Robert James 295
4055 62.124
4056 22
4049 Peucall, Edward 75
4056 Phelypeaux de Maurepas,
Jean Frederic 1.3
4043 Phelypeaux, Louis 58
4067 Philastor 85
4048 Phillipson, - 141
4067 Phillips, Jo- 86
4042 Picenini, Antony 221
4043 173
4044 41.46.56
4041 Pierrepont, Anne 40
4060 Pilkington, Letitia 105
4064 Pinckney, Thomas 11
4060 Piquet, - 106
4038 Pitcairne, Archibald 246
4060 106
4056 Pitot, Henri 222.223
4057 15
4069 44
4036 Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph 16.84
4038 1.123
4039 77.173.373
4060 109.111
4062 307.317
4063 11
4064 42
4062 Pitt, Moses 194
4067 Plainer, Richard 87
4056 Plaxton, W- 36
4062 Plot, Robert 228
4047 Plowden, John 114
4047 Plowden, M- 65b
4047 Plowden, William 111.124.149
4052 249
4065 300
4060 Plukenett, Leonard 113
4062 226.266
4063 37
4064 76
4067 31.90.110b
4038 Plummer, John 230.326
4045 Plumptre, Henry 341
4053 55
4060 115-121b
4067 111
4046 Pocock, Thomas 349
4062 Poetry - English 181
4036 Poetry – Latin 104b
4048 Poley, Richard
4044 Pole, Gertrude 122
4056 Pontcarre, - de 4.6
4064 Poole, Robert 110
4065 Poole, Thomas 282
4062 Poole, - 159
4051 Pool, Juriaan 199.214.246
4064 Pool, - 149
4057 Pope, Alexander 117.130
4064 Porqiet, Pere - 181
4067 Porteous, W- 112
4048 Porterfield, William 72
4048 Powell, John 129
4062 Power, Henry 160
4067 56
4043 Powys, Sir Littleton 220
4062 285
4060 Poyntz, Stephen 122
4038 Pragestus, Jacobus 267
4060 123
4063 127
4036 Prat, Samuel 344
4037 Preston, Charles
4042 135.146.235
4060 125-129b
4063 117.146
4067 113
4065 Preston, George 124
4067 114
4062 Price, John 145
4043 Primerose, D- 21
4065 Prince, Francis 111
4050 Prince, Magnus 194
4052 192
4055 134
4060 130
4066 118
4051 Prinsep, Reginald 259
4054 Prior, Thomas 106
4067 Pritchard, William 118
4053 Privat de Molieres, Joseph 202
4054 156
4068 232
4042 Proby, Charles 340
4060 132
4046 Procope, Michel 11
4060 134
4043 Procter, N- 301
4062 Procter, - 312
4038 Pryme, Abraham de la
4039 71
4060 135.137
4050 Pucci, Vincent 74
4051 196.235.297
4052 66.101
4054 196.232
4055 114.397
4060 139
4037 Pujolas, M- 134.271b.321.332
4060 141-144
4044 Pulteney, Daniel 120
4067 Pupplett, Richard 116.117
4043 Purcell, John 217
4045 353
4046 45
4063 Purnell, I- 212
4051 Purnell, John 21
4053 111.323
4054 70.82-85b
4066 95
4039 [Pye], E-d 174
4045 Pyot, David 118
4065 Pyrmont, in Waldeck, Germany 347
4060 Quinton, John 145.147
4054 Rae, Peter 157
4055 Rameau, Jean Philipe 159
4051 Ramsay, E- 284
4044 Ramsey, A- 98
4060 149
4060 Randolph, Bernard 158.159
4060 Rand, Isaac 150.152
4065 12
4060 Rand, Samuel 153
4051 Rau, Johannes Eberhardus 17
4054 308
4064 Ravenhill, J- 138
4036 Rawdon, Arthur
4039 Rawdon, Brilliana 190
4040 133
4054 Rawson, John - Junior 191
4042 331
4043 3
4037 Rawlinson, S- 326
4039 Ray, Margaret 430
4042 69
4036 Ray, Revd John
4036 302.307.312.328.330.332
4036 336.340.351.356.362.365
4036 371.379.380
4038 252.281.330.353.361
4038 316.317
4039 311.319.341.350.371.380
4039 401.402.412
4060 157-169
4062 278.292
4064 9.26.32
4047 Reading, William 148
4057 Read, Francis 185
4046 Redrich, R-
4040 Regnart, N- 97
4041 206
4060 170
4069 Regnier des Marais 250
4036 Reid, George
4045 Reilly, James 197.275
4049 Reilly, Michael 205
4060 Remond de Monmort, Pierre 172
4056 Remus, Georgius 134
4069 29
4045 Renard, Louis
4054 56
4060 178
4068 108
4054 Reuterhielm, Charles Freidric 68
4043 Reynardson, Franciscus 274
4044 53
4045 130
4065 Reynardson, Samuel 269
4048 Reynaud, M- 198
4060 176
4060 Richardson, Eliz 177
4038 Richardson, Richard 347.353
4040 167.177.189
4041 263
4042 117
4043 113.276
4046 284.303.320.328
4049 6.115
4051 91.238
4052 123.164
4053 39.68
4055 85.87.94
4056 167.231
4057 46
4060 178.180
4062 308
4067 26
4069 34
4060 Richers, Eliz 186
4052 Richmond, George
4055 38
4056 Richmond, George 102.204.265
4050 Riddoch, Francis 154
4050 Rideout, T- 127
4053 Ripa, Ludovicus 226
4040 Robartes, Charles Bodville 371
4067 Robertsone, William 122
4064 Robertson, J- 140
4043 Roberts, James 89
4055 Roberts, John 383.395
4056 75.116
4057 191
4060 184.186
4044 Robethon, John 106
4066 Robe, Thomas 92
4062 Robinson, John 156
4054 Robinson, Nicholas 204
4062 Robinson, Richard 216.278b
4036 Robinson, Sir Tancred 30.32
4038 192
4060 188.190
4066 311
4047 Rogers, Ford 122
4049 Rogers, Jonathan 56
4044 Rogers, Woodes 155
4060 Rohalt, Richard 191
4065 Rolfe, G- 140
4060 Romberd, Jane 192
4060 Roper, Abel 193
4067 Rose, Francis - Colonel 123
4044 Rose, Francis - of Jamaica 221
4045 316
4046 Rose, Philip 175.269
4047 275
4048 235
4060 197-200
4060 Rose, P- 195
4047 Rose, Thomas 243
4067 123
4038 Rose, William 169
4060 Roupell, Jane 201.204
4046 Rous, John 267
4047 130
4064 Rous, William 109
4063 Rudbeck, Olaus - Junior 12
4063 Rudbeck, Olaus - Senior 12.107
4065 Rudge, J- 310
4046 Rumbold, Edward 87
4060 205
4065 Ruperti, J- 109
4060 Ruperti, S- 207
4062 Russell, Arnold 249
4045 Russell, Elizabeth 233
4060 209-217
4067 Russell, Patrick 125
4039 Russell, Rachel 34
4060 218.220
4063 16
4042 Russell, Richard 53
4048 Russell, Wriothesley 30
4067 Russel, Alexander 124
4056 Russel, Alexander - MD 23
4055 Russel, William 277
4063 Rutherford, Robert
4067 126
4046 Rutty, William 296
4060 222.224
4037 Ruysch, Fredrik 362
4040 43.209
4041 58.104.112
4042 133.207
4044 97.223.283
4045 135.137
4046 98
4048 104.112.316
4051 157
4060 226-231b
4063 169
4064 119.162.228
4067 127
4068 105.123
4069 189
4064 Ruysch, Henrik 269
4067 79
4060 Saati, Zacaria 232
4066 Sadleir, Mary 108
4065 Saintard, - 201
4041 Salina, - 31
4060 Salisbury, William 241-244b
4045 Sallengre, Albert Henry de 244
4069 Sallier, N- 80
4040 Salmon, Thomas 103.108
4046 Salter, James 342
4043 Salvador, Juan 83
4044 94
4045 53.64
4067 134
4068 348
4069 190
4060 Sanders, S- 245
4060 Sandilands, Alexander 247
4062 Santgion, Giovanni Battista 211
4038 Santini, Nicolas 221
4050 Sardi, Cesare 263
4065 Savage, John 123
4050 Savery, Servington 204
4051 72.78
4053 36.37
4065 Scali, Tiberio 192
4050 Schambert, M- 268
4066 Schaumberg-Lippe-Buckeburg,
Count of 110
4060 Schele, Lewis George 248
4065 Scheuchzer, J-
brother of J J Scheuchzer 326
4065 Scheuchzeri, Fratres 329b-332b
4041 Scheuchzerus, Johannes 172
4045 294
4064 175
4065 Scheuchzer, Jean Gaspard 272
4067 227
4041 Scheuchzer, Jean Jacques
4045 174.178.225
4046 32.259.306.332
4048 308
4049 245
4050 176
4051 229.309
4052 231.279
4060 250.251
4064 185.190
4068 126
4065 Scheuchzer, J- 329
4066 41
4060 Schicke, T 252
4054 Schilden, Brand Henry 136
4068 284
4057 Schlaeger, Julius Carolus 5
4049 Schluter, P- A- 128.189
4063 Schult, John
4050 Schumacher, Dr 193
4051 79.101
4068 176
4051 Scottish S P C K (Religion) 310-314b
4054 316
4055 123
4059 120
4056 Scott, Andrew 110
4048 Scott, David 280
4060 253
4047 Scott, Thomas 241
4047 Seba, Albertus 97.98
4049 18.99.235
4050 138.149.221
4051 115.321
4052 178.308.310
4053 15.211
4054 13.58
4060 254-259b
4067 137
4068 271.283
4069 192-196
4053 Secondat, Charles de 248
4047 Sedgewick, James 332
4060 260.261
4056 Sedgewick, John 136.159
4069 30.30b
4054 Sedgewick, O- 216
4060 263
4060 Sedley, Katharine 264.266
4055 Segner, Joannes Andreas 160.288
4054 Seippius, John Philip 220.301
4065 275.347
4060 Seller, Abednego 268
4052 Sellius, Godefroy 72.262
4054 160
4055 164
4068 224.247.261
4069 2.92b
4060 Senex, John 270
4066 Sequer, Mariano 108
4060 Sequeyra Samida, Ishac de 271
4056 Sequier, Jean Francois 283
4057 54
4069 56.83
4051 Serenius, Jacob 139
4053 215.299
4055 290
4060 272-281b
4064 Serrano, Vincentius 157
4067 78
4063 Servas,- 228
4060 Settle, Elkanah 282.284
4040 Seward, Charles 243
4042 60
4043 278
4044 6
4054 Seyers, James 30
4045 Seymour, Charles 44
4052 55
4054 55
4055 50.75.205
4060 285-288.289
4060 290.297b
4054 Seymour, Lady Charlotte 286
4060 Seymour, Lady Frances 298.299.300
4052 Seytres, Joseph de 138
4056 210.259.307.343.353
4068 285
4069 38.61
4039 Shadwel, Edward 233
4055 309
4056 175
4060 301-317
4068 345
4046 Shakespeare, William 66
4060 Shaw, E- 318
4056 Shaw, Peter 216
4051 Shaw, Thomas 156
4052 210
4053 57-59b.62-
4055 352.381
4060 319.321
4066 103.104.106
4068 193.194
4060 Sheeres al Sheres, Sir Henry 346
4056 Sheewell al Shewell, Ann 37.49
4060 Sheffield, Catharine 323
4060 Sheffield, Catharine (the second) 325
4060 Sheffield, John -
1st Duke of Buckingham 327-334b
4064 Sheffield, Robert 103
4065 Sheibell, George 42
4065 Sheibell, Henry 2.53.113
4054 Shelldrake, Timothy 237
4056 339
4057 126.127
4040 Sherard James 228
4041 165
4042 65
4052 227
4060 335-338b
4063 57
4064 125
4047 Sherard, Bennet 50.61.257
4054 279
4036 Sherard, William
4036 333
4037 246.248.328.340.344.355
4038 300.308.332
4040 13.187
4041 66.306
4042 289.315
4044 21
4046 5
4047 126.157
4060 339-345
4062 238
4063 144
4065 220.229
4067 141-146.148
4041 Sheridan, William 81
4060 347
4041 Sherman, Bezaleel 198.204
4045 339.347
4048 285.292
4060 Shipton, John 349.350
4045 Shirley, Henry 175
4058 Shirley, Mary 327-333
4066 99
4067 Shirley, William 149
4049 Shoepflin, John Daniel 104.229
4051 171
4054 256
4066 33.52
4069 191
4067 Shorte, Richard 150
4047 Short, Thomas 71.239
4048 136.142.153
4051 218.252.315
4053 43.160
4057 4.10
4060 351
4066 97
4040 Shuttleworth, John 193.260
4041 243
4042 96
4036 Sibbald, Sir Robert 237
4037 175.290.295
4038 167
4040 59.233.313
4042 359
4043 116
4060 354
4063 95
4064 147
4065 147b.174
4060 Sidney, William 356-358
4057 Signor,
John Hermann Joseph Conrad 57.59
4037 Silvestre, Peter 239.270
4041 33
4043 59
4060 359-365b
4064 72
4066 257
4039 Simson, Richard 392
4056 Skevington, Samuel 288
4064 Skiddy, John 104
4045 Skinner, Peter 319.326.332
4043 Slare, Frederic 100
4060 366-380b
4067 152
4049 Sloane, Andrew 155
4050 4
4050 Sloane, Charles 81
4052 208
4047 Sloane, Elizabeth 65b
4067 88
4065 Smallpox 347-349b
4060 Small, Alexander 381
4060 Smart, James 383
4067 Smart, J- 153
4063 Smith and Walford, Messrs 240
4064 45
4055 Smith, Diederick 153
4056 202
4041 Smith, Elisha 69.275
4045 188
4049 77.106
4060 386-388b
4052 Smith, Elizabeth 44
4060 Smith, I- 389.390
4051 Smith, Jacob 164
4060 Smith, Joseph 392
4036 Smith, Samuel 122.130
4038 323.355.356
4040 281.283
4062 266
4063 163.205
4067 118.119
4039 Smith, Thomas 394
4040 268
4060 394.395
4060 Smit, - 384
4039 Smyth, Edward 137
4064 Smyth, William 133
4045 Soanes, Jos- 221
4052 4
4053 193.278 (printed) 320.336
4054 41.294
4051 Soliani, Bartolomeo 94
4053 28.106
4068 211
4036 Somerset, Henry 377
4066 260
4061 Somerset, Mary 1-26b
4062 246
4067 Somerset, Rebecca 6
4037 Sommers, John 202
4042 159
4061 27-33
4048 Southall, John 189
4050 250
4041 Southwell, Elizabeth Cromwell 200
4039 Southwell, Rt Hon Edward 215.432
4041 194
4049 27
4056 263.319.320
4061 34
4036 Southwell, Sir Robert
4038 7.9
4061 35-39b
4063 4
4043 South, Robert 48.118.247
4062 Sowter, Job 73.87
4039 Spanheim, Ezechiel de 295.297
4040 185.231.247
4042 189
4061 40
4066 Spans, Marianus de 74
4067 Spectator, The 85
4045 Speke, Hugh 194
4042 Spencer, Charles 98.357
4043 5
4044 17
4061 42
4063 Spener, Christianus Maximilianus 222
4064 30
4065 47
4050 Sprengell, Conrad 245
4055 306
4052 Squire, J- 17
4061 43
4060 St Andre, Nathanael 233
4060 St Clair, Dr Robert 235.237
4060 St Clare, Dr- 238
4062 St Hill, Samuel 154
4067 St Nicholas, Vincent 129
4043 St Pierre,
Charles Trenee Castel de 246.249
4068 89
4060 St Victor, - 239
4049 Stack, Thomas 254
4052 303
4069 75b
4065 Stafford, Cornelius 137
4049 Standish, D 250
4042 Stanhope, Philip -
2nd Earl Chesterfield 19
4043 74
4061 44
4045 Stanhope, Philip -
3rd Earl Chesterfield 205.230
4061 Stanley, George 46-90b
4055 Stanley, Hans 226.391
4054 Stanley, Hoby 121
4043 Stanley, J- 280
4045 98
4062 Stanley, Nicholas 195.198
4057 Stanley, P- 61.111
4061 91
4062 Stanley, Richard 195.198
4061 Stanley, Sarah 93-98b
4046 Stanley, William 60
4037 Stanley, William George Richard 291.300
4039 14.23
4062 Stanley, - 227
4040 Stanyan, Henry 153
4039 Stanyan, - 363
4036 Staphorst, Nicholas 54
4038 269
4063 127
4063 39.51
4063 Starrenburgh, John
4064 105.204
4045 Stead, George 324
4045 Stechow, - de 199
4036 Stede, Cecilia 149.153
4036 Stede, Edwyn 179
4051 Stehelin, J- Peter 160
4044 Steigertahl, Johann George
4044 239.251.285
4050 252.266.271
4052 260.282.372.382
4054 283
4055 364.406.416
4061 99-119b
4066 15.62.246
4068 315.317.338.343
4069 47
4069 Steigertahl, - 50
4056 Stenheil, - 120.124
4056 Stephens, Miss 190
4047 Stephens, R- 143
4055 Stephens, William 302
4038 Stepney, G- 130.191
4040 28
4068 31
4042 Steuart, Robert
4048 Stevens, Catharine Sabina 277
4041 Stevens, John 192
4043 23
4061 120
4061 Steward, Thomas 122
4064 Stewart, Archibald 193
4067 155
4064 Stewart, James 261
4068 Stewart, Robert 56
4038 Stieve, Geoffroi 321
4067 Stocker, A- 156
4064 Stocker, John 44.135.143
4067 157
4061 Stonestreet, William 126
4061 Stone, Thomas 123.124
4065 Stoschius, Ludovicus
4067 158
4055 Stoughton, Eugenia 236
4061 Strimesius, Johannes Samuel 128
4047 Stringer, S- 134
4045 Strother, Edward 327
4047 91
4061 129-137
4040 Stuartt, Robert 227
4038 Stuart, Alexander 305.306
4039 11.339
4040 289
4042 83.105.137
4045 16.62
4054 90
4061 138-156
4067 159
4052 Stubbs, Philip 28
4048 Stukeley, Dr William 231
4050 178.202
4052 320.330
4053 5
4054 64
4056 44
4068 202
4054 Sturges, Charles 324
4055 Sullivan, Eugene 143.328
4047 Sultanum, Baba 321
4056 Superville, Daniel de 312
4045 Supply, A- 282
4067 Surridge, John 160
4038 Sutherland, James 276
4039 2
4063 110
4045 Sutherland, John 338
4039 Swainston, Nicholas 89
4036 Swan, William 134
4061 157
4065 Swartz, B- 310
4062 Swart, Steven 191
4040 Swinnocke, Richard 312
4056 Sykes, Arthur Ashley 98
4054 Symmer, John 304-307
4061 158
4054 Taafe, John 173.269
4067 Tabor, John 161.162
4061 Talbot, Barnaby 159
4049 Tanner, Emelyn 46
4046 Tanner, Francis 38
4039 Tanner, Thomas 35
4042 123
4047 294
4049 Tanner, - 46
4061 Tarry, Edward 161-165
4055 Taverner, James 182
4044 Taylor, Dr Brook 29
4042 Taylor, Gilbert 55.67
4046 Taylor, John 138
4061 166
4040 Taylor, Robert 220
4039 Teale, Isaac 408
4064 52.71b
4045 Teissier, George Louis 318
4049 158
4050 162
4053 130.146.148
4054 221
4061 168.170
4042 Tenison, Thomas 79.259
4043 289
4055 Tennent, John 197
4056 153.217.349
4061 172.173
4062 Terry, John 240
4055 Teuly, Richard 300
4061 Thal, - 175
4043 Thayn, John 240
4045 192
4053 Theobald, Lewis 275
4067 Theobald, Thomas 163
4049 Thinn, William 57
4066 Thomas, John 125
4045 Thompson, Maurice 11
4066 Thompson, Sir William 114
4050 Thom, Frederick 109
4052 220
4054 153
4061 176
4038 Thoresby, Ralph 272.302.329
4040 60.128.156
4041 133
4042 356
4043 35.273
4044 48.77
4045 302
4046 247
4061 177-181
4063 119
4053 Thornycroft, J- 271
4064 Thorpe, John - Apothecary 41
4040 Thorpe, John - Junior 321
4043 131
4052 195
4064 96.115.122
4065 259.260
4067 166-169
4064 Thorpe, John – Senior 116
4064 Tilden, Richard 126
4067 170
4052 Tilli, Angelo 257-259b
4048 Tilli, Michael Angelo 5.264-266b
4051 170
4055 54
4068 320
4069 197
4054 Tilson, George 212.228.243
4036 Timann 145
4048 Tims, William 19
4063 Tisser, John 148.241
4064 111.145.196
4067 171
4036 Tollotson, John 104b
4065 Torin, Peter 192
4061 Torneman, George 182
4061 Torsit, E- 184
4046 Tothill, Elizabeth 282
4043 Totterdell, Hugh 136
4064 Tovey, Antipas 247
4062 Towneley 160
4052 Towne, Richard 105
4047 Townsend, Thomas 33.49
4050 260
4047 Townshend, Hon Thomas 222
4046 Townshend, M- 126
4039 Tozzi, Bruno 407
4065 99.104
4061 Tratt, Francis 186
4057 Trembley, Abraham 230
4052 Trevirensis, F. Pius 268
4052 Trew, Christophorus Jacobus 93
4053 161
4054 281
4057 240
4068 242.324
4051 Triewald, Marten 29
4053 295
4054 244.254
4043 Trimnell, Charles 304.318
4061 188-193b
4061 Tristram, John 194.196
4067 172.174
4053 Tronchin, Theodorus 86
4064 Tronsdale, Thomas 187
4057 Tschudi, Johann Peter 124
4069 74
4066 Tublay, - 127
4039 Tufton, Catharine 317.324
4042 Tufton, Thomas 187
4043 70
4044 257
4045 76.236.261
4046 62.68
4047 172
4050 96
4061 197-206b
4067 176
4053 Tullideph, David 284
4055 199
4049 Tullideph, Walter 3.117.160
4053 237
4056 95
4048 Turner, Daniel 135
4053 3
4051 Turner, George 188
4061 Turner, Jane 207
4046 Turville, Charles 128
4061 Tyrrel, E- 209
4037 Tyson, Edward 29
4061 212-215
4066 252
4061 Upton, Francis 216
4043 Urry, John 51
4065 35
4036 Uvedale, Robert 102
4037 181.193
4039 384
4040 345
4041 120
4042 313
4044 207.262
4061 217-221
4063 50.64.197(receipt)
4064 265
4065 242
4067 177
4054 Uvedale, Thomas 66
4061 222
4039 Vallisneri, Antonio 139
4040 6
4042 109
4043 152
4049 121
4061 Vanbrugh, Sir John 223
4064 Vandegutcht 252
4053 Vandenhoeck, Abram 21
4061 Vane, Hon William 225
4049 Varin, P-F- 259
4050 32.33.147
4061 Vaughan, B- 227
4038 Vaughan, Henry 350
4039 132
4061 218-230b
4043 Vaughan, M- 121
4053 Verelst, Herman 147.203.207
4066 Vere, Charles 381
4061 Verhoff, G- 231
4037 Vernon, William
4038 235.259
4061 232.233
4065 11
4067 179-187b
4068 16
4066 Vertue, George 44
4044 Vesey, William 234
4067 Vickers, Revd William 188
4068 Vieussens, Raymond 20
4057 Vigny, - de 76.107
4069 70
4055 Vigor, William 389
4056 107
4050 Villa, John 184
4067 Villemot, Philippe 189
4045 Villette, Francois 250
4065 290
4037 Vincent, H- 98
4048 Vincent, Levinus 1.45.218
4064 202
4065 234.262.264
4067 191.193.196
4069 198
4061 Vincent, Nathanael 235
4055 Vismes, - de 206.412
4056 8.72
4061 236.237
4068 336
4069 24
4042 Vitalis, Julius 311
4064 Volckamer, Johann Georg 137
4065 261
4062 Vorstio, Adolfo 150
4040 Vryberge, Marinus van 191
4063 W-, G- 6
4055 Wager, Sir Charles 126
4056 11
4036 Wakeley, Thomas 4.6
4061 Wake, Philip 239
4049 Wake, William 176b
4056 Waldegrave, James 276
4039 Waldo, Daniel 424.425
4040 85
4061 240
4064 225
4061 Waldron, Francis Stonard 242
4046 Waldron, George 316
4061 244
4061 Waldron, Theodosia 246
4065 Walduck, T- 164
4062 Walford, Benjamin 299
4063 163
4066 Walkden, P- 84
4052 Walker, John 26
4054 316
4063 Walker, Thomas 123
4064 58
4056 Walker, William 211
4037 Wallace, James 309.317.349
4061 250-256
4065 Waller, Richard - of London 161
4036 Waller, Richard - Secretary to RS
4037 189.249
4041 257
4063 163
4067 197
4061 Wall, Samuel 248
4047 Walpole, Horatio 311
4048 89.182.185
4052 128
4061 258
4061 Walpole, Robert, - 2nd Earl Orford 260
4046 Walpole, Sir Robert 6
4049 176b
4050 133
4061 259
4039 Walsh, William 133
4061 262
4049 Walthier, - 98
4037 Wanley, Humphrey 106
4038 252.314.335.351
4039 247.414
4040 335
4044 178
4047 145.153
4061 264-278b
4063 96
4066 386
4046 Waring, Richard, Colonel 322
4041 Warly, Jonas 157
4061 279.284
4056 Wasenburg, - 201
4052 Watson, Catharine 273
4061 285.311b
4066 102
4046 Watson, Edward 21
4065 293
4053 Watson, E- 66
4036 Watson, H- 31.51.80
4067 Watt, John 200
4042 Wauchope, Gilbert 193
4043 77
4061 312
4065 152
4067 201
4055 Webster, Joseph
4062 1
4049 Weichmann, Christian Frederic 178
4066 80
4051 Weilder, Johann Frederic 99
4055 407
4069 199
4042 Weissenbach, Lot de 138
4044 Welbe, John 212-217.214b-217.241
4057 Welin, Jean 26.28
4066 Welles, Ralph 22
4051 Welwood, Elizabeth 219
4062 Welwood, James 3
4041 Wemyss, John 131
4064 217
4053 Werlhof, Paul Gottlieb 7.317
4055 160
4068 241.270.279
4041 Werndly, H- 91
4052 Werry, Nathaniel 100
4066 Westminster Infirmary 107
4052 West, James 216
4062 West, Robert 4
4042 Wetenhall, Edward 48
4053 Wetstein and Smith, Messrs 41
4062 Wetstein, C- 5
4041 Wetstein, Joannes Hernicus 88
4039 Wharton, Thomas 359
4062 6
4064 Wheeler, George 188
4065 25.30.193
4067 202.203
4067 Wheler Sir George 204
4067 Whiddon, William 206
4055 Whiston, John 326
4063 White, James 180
4067 208-210
4062 White, Richard 137
4062 Wigan, John 7.8
4067 Wightman, Cornelius 211
4057 Wilkes, Wetenhall 17
4046 Wilkins, Dr David 177.180.221
4052 Wilkins, Thomas 332.336.354
4062 Willes, Mary 275
4050 Williamson, Col A- 26
4051 175
4048 Williamson, Francis 23
4064 Williams, Hannah 53
4054 Williams, Henry 250
4052 Williams, John 261.267
4053 204.372
4055 Williams, Mary 194
4067 Williams, Moses 221
4062 Williams, William 10
4044 Williams, William - Exeter College 13
4054 Williams, William -
of “Oxonia Depicta” 148
4051 Willis, Richard 120
4048 Willman, Oloff Erichson 93
4062 Willughby al Willoughby, Thomas 13-26
4062 Willughby, Cassandra 11.12.242
4066 164
4068 12
4046 Wilmot. A- 249
4052 Wilmot, E- 29
4062 Wilson, Edward 27
4067 Wilson, Thomas 215
4054 Winder, Thomas 44
4055 110.117.141
4063 Winde, William 56.129
4065 88
4063 Winde, - 129
4065 88
4037 Windham, Katharine 86
4047 Winslow, Jacob Benignus 174
4051 244
4054 24
4055 377
4048 Winter, Sankey 208.209
4056 Winthrop, John 290
4062 29.30
4067 Wise, Francis 216
4041 Witsen, Nicolaus 6
4063 172
4054 Wittenburg, in Germany 183
4055 407
4049 Wolffen, Frau A– C- 184
4056 Wolfus, Christianus 324
4051 Wolters, Frau, S– M- 263
4062 Wolverton, R- 147
4048 Woodcock, Edward 273.275
4064 Woodcock, Jane 142b
4065 Woodcock, Thomas 16
4057 113
4036 Woods, Thomas 286
4037 Woodward, John 63.87.374
4039 101.128
4042 16
4043 196.233
4046 327
4047 341
4062 31.33
4067 218
4067 Woodward, Thomas 217
4064 Woodyer, Edward 268b
4046 Woolhouse, John Thomas de 244.311
4046 341
4048 262.282.295
4050 159b.
4050 283.292
4051 35.68
4062 34-44b
4067 218
4050 Woolston, Thomas 29
4065 Worsley, Henry
4065 215
4036 Wotton, William 242
4041 317
4043 53.231
4062 45
4065 190
4055 Wray, Joseph 327
4062 Wreden, Johann Ernst 46
4053 Wrench, Sir Benjamin 74.101
4041 Wren, Christopher 142
4042 179.262
4046 336
4062 Wright, P- 48
4047 Wright, Richard 256
4039 Wroe, Revd Richard 357.367
4042 Wyat, John 84
4046 Wynter, John 136.142
4049 221
4055 368.375.379
4056 291
4062 50-54b
4048 Yapp, Thomas 42.44
4052 Yeend, William 188
4055 401
4040 Yonge, James 249.315.326
4041 116.136
4042 287.354
4044 218.275
4045 217
4048 131
4047 Young, Benjamin 195
4062 Young, Samuel 55
4050 Zamboni, John James 239
4053 78
4054 131.132
4057 Zanoni, Giovanni Andrea 165.244
4062 Zerbina, Joseph 165
4046 Zierenberg, John 2
4066 Zimmelman, Jacob 37
4064 Zireaga, - 170
4047 Zollman, Philip Henry
4047 282.331.335
4050 95.274
4051 37
4066 63.77
4043 Zwinger, Theodor 87
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